Weekly outline
Course Information:
Mr Propst's Contact Information:
bpropst@hollandchristian.orgMr. Propst's General Availability:
Monday: Before school starting at 7:35 a.m. & after school by appointment.
Tuesday: Before school starting at 7:35 a.m. & after school by appointment.
Wednesday: By appointment
Thursday: Before school starting at 7:35 a.m. & after school by appointment.
Friday: Before school starting at 7:35 a.m. & after school by appointment.
WELCOME TO BIOLOGY B!Biology is an exciting field with many issues you will deal with in your lifetime. Genetic engineering and gene therapy, beginning and end of life care, environmental pollution and climate change, medical advances and emerging diseases, population growth/changes… These are just some of the areas that bring us fascinating concepts and serious ethical questions. Last semester you focused on the the human body and tiny details of cells and DNA. We continue to focus on the ideas of awe and stewardship from Psalm 8 and this semester we zoom out a bit more to see how those materials from Biology A control organisms, populations and their environment. I pray you discover a greater awe of the Creator as I continue to do and also learn how to struggle with the questions of biology using the Word as your guide.
Classroom Syllabus and Guidelines
- Class Blog Website
- Field Study Guidelines
- some things you might wonder about...
- poison ivy
- ticks (common types, prevention and further info.)
- invasive species
- Microscope Usage Review
- Digital Footprints
- Biology Study Tips
- Media Center Page
- Gale Research Page ( maroons is the password if you're at home)
- Current Science News -- Science Daily
- Current Science News -- Eurkalert
- Science News for Students
Career Information (jobs, education required, pay, etc.)
- Class Blog Website
August 18 - August 24
Monday -- No Class (Freshmen Only)
Tuesday (modified Friday schedule)
In Class:
1. Seating Chart & Attendance
2. Welcome (Mr. Propst introduces himself)
3. Icebreaker (Quick & Fun)
4. Classroom community and guidelines.
5. Science Department Safety Contract. (For FA25 - Do this on paper. H&AP as well).
6. Awe & Stewardship Photo Assignment.
-- Take 2 pictures and be ready to share in Bio B -- one picture of an awe inspiring event/place/organism, etc. and one picture of something that makes you think a little about stewardship. Put your pictures on a slide in the class presentation labeled with awe or stewardship linked here --> All Hours
7. Introduce yourself activity (Optional)
8. Fun Reminders About This Week & Next Week.
-- We will be outdoors for at least parts of the block days (weather permitting) this week and next week. Dress appropriately.
---- This week: comfortable shoes and clothes you can easily move around and bend in and something you don't mind sitting down in the grass in.
---- Next week: knee high boots or old shoes, waders, clothes that can get wet/muddy, etc. We will be going in the pond.Homework & Reminders:
1. Finish Awe & Stewardship Picture Assignment (Moodle) - DUE FRIDAY
2. Finish Introduce yourself activity (Classroom) - DUE FRIDAY
3. Pond Activity coming up. Dress appropriately (knee high boots or old shoes, waders, comfortable shoes and clothes you can easily move around in - and can get wet, etc.).Wednesday/Thursday (Block)
In Class:
1. Classroom Community and Guidelines (continued).
2. Safety Contract (is this completed? -- See Tuesday section above for link)
3. Awe & Stewardship Photo (Is this completed?)
3. Devotions:
- Genesis 1:31a - Awe.
- Genesis 2:15 - Stewardship.
4. Observations "The Art of Noticing" Activity
5. Go out to Pond for Observations/Sound Map Practice/Sketching.Homework & Reminders:
1. Finish Introduce yourself activity (Classroom) - DUE FRIDAY
2. Finish Awe & Stewardship Summer Photograph Assignment (Moodle) - DUE FRIDAY
3. Read through the Biology A Review.(Moodle) - DUE MONDAY
4. Read through the Field Study. (Moodle) - DUE FRIDAY
5. We will be outdoors for next Monday/Tuesday (weather permitting). Dress appropriately (Bring knee high boots or old shoes, waders, etc. for Monday/Tuesday.)Friday (Regular Friday Schedule)
In Class:
1. Awe and Stewardship Responses
2. Safety Contract (Final Announcement)
3. Biology A Review Read Through (Announce as HW)
4. Field Study Review & Read Through Guidelines
5. Set up Blog account (if time)
6. REMINDER! - Bring knee high boots or old shoes, waders, clothes that can get wet/muddy, etc. for Monday/Tuesday and possibly Wednesday/Thursday. (2024 -- it is suppose to be hot and humid)
Homework & Reminders:
1. Read through the Biology A Review. - DUE MONDAY
2. Read through the Field Study. - DUE MONDAY
3 We will be outdoors for next Monday/Tuesday (weather permitting). Dress appropriately (Bring knee high boots or old shoes, waders, etc. for Monday/Tuesday.)August 25 - August 31
In Class:
0. At the Pond (Introduction to Ecosystems
a. Abiotic vs. Biotic
- How do these factors effect the health of the pond?
- How could we measure or quantify?
- Assign Groups
-- Measure
-- Gather wildlife (all kinds)
---- Enter Data Here --> 2nd Hour Pond Data
--> 4th Hour Pond Data
--> 5th Hour Pond Datab. Thriving or Dying? Objectively, how do we know?
c. Energy Relationships (Think where does everything get their energy from)
1. Go to Pond! (Explore, Measure, Collect, Have Fun!)
2. Fill in Pond Data (see links above)
1. Read through Pond Challenge document.
2. Preview/Watch Ecology NotesWednesday/Thursday
In Class:
0. Awe & Stewardship Photos & Captions (last check before final grading).
1. Hand back art of noticing/observations assignment.
2. Field Study Stuff:
- a) Fill out location form (2 points - DUE 8/29)
- b) set up blog. --> Blogger.com. Add blog URL on this page. (students, please double check)
- c) make me and Adminstrator on your blog. Follow these directions --> Go to Blogger.com --> Login --> Click on Settings (gear icon) --> Scroll down to permissions --> Click on "add more authors" --> Wait for me to approve --> Then change me to administrator (this way we are following all the rules to blogger.com and we will not be kicked off/out of the system.)
- d) Map (10 points - Due 9/9 by 5:00 pm)
- e) Video (10 points - Due 9/9 by 5:00 pm)
- f) Field Notes 1 - (10 points) - DUE 9/9 by 5:00 pm)
3. Biology A Review (Any questions)
4. Enter Pond Data Here: --> 2nd Hour Pond Data
--> 4th Hour Pond Data
--> 5th Hour Pond Data
5. Start and Complete Pond Challenge Post Lab Document.
- a) Do you remember how to use the microscopes? If not, click here --> Microscope Usage Review
HOMEWORK:1. Create a blog if you have not yet done so and link the URL to your name on this page.
2. Pond Challenge Conclusions & Connections.
3. Preview/Watch Ecology Notes (continue)4. Watch Ecology Part 1 - Take Notes; Write down questions.
5. Field Study Reminders: Make a visit to your field study location soon! Maps (Due 9/9), Intro Video (Due 9/9) and first Field Notes 1 (Due 9/9). PLEASE ASK/EMAIL ME IF YOU NEED HELP!Friday -- No School Labor Day Weekend
September 1 - September 7
Monday - 9/2
No School (Labor Day)
Tuesday - 9/3
In Class:
0. Field Study Reminders:
Field Study Work Due next Monday! Not accepted late! See guidelines and request family flex time if you have questions or need help! Please see me IN PERSON as much as possible if you need help! Thanks!
1. Discuss Ecology Part 1 (narrated slides)
2. Continue Pond Challenge/Pond Study document -- (Creating Your Food Web/Find & ID Your Creatures)HOMEWORK:
1. Field Study: Map, Video Intro and Field Notes 1 - (All Due 9/8)
2. Look at Ecology Part 2 (Energy)
3. Review Ecology Part 1 (through Cycles)
4. Pond Background and Use Video (John Wood)
5. What is a watershed --Thursday - 9/5
0. Field Study Work Due next Monday! Not accepted late! See guidelines and request family flex time if you have questions or need help! Please see me IN PERSON as much as possible if you need help! Thanks!
1. Ecosystems & Energy Flow (document) -- Not all land is created equal.
2. Finish Pond Challenge /Pond Study (Be sure to check in Conclusions & Connections before class ends AND turn in Food Web)
3. Energy Applications (Google Classroom)HOMEWORK:
1. Field study: A) Map; B) Video Introduction (30 second MAX), C) Field Notes 1 (ALL DUE FRIDAY 9/9)- VIDEO UPLOAD NOTE: If you cannot upload video to Blog, then do the following:
--Save video to your google drive.
--Link your saved video to your blog instead of uploading video.2. Finish #'s 1-9 Energy Applications - Energy & Hamburgers (Google Classroom)
- You do not need to create any energy pyramids yet.
3. Watch & Outline Ecology Part 3
September 8 - September 14
3. Last chance to find last creature(s), size, identify
0. By Yourself, Start on: Ecosystems & Energy Flow (document) -- Not all land is created equal.
1. Discuss Ecology Part 2 (get through energy) Questions (slides 15-22)
2. Ecology Part 3 (Pyramids) – if finished before we’re ready to go on as a class
- a. Vegetarian -- https://ed.ted.com/featured/dolIWkHI
- b. https://www.visualcapitalist.com/all-the-biomass-of-earth- in-one-graphic/
- Finish Food web (whole doc UP TO conclusions and connections)
- Start Conclusions and Connections of the Pond Challenge4. Field Study comments
- Day length
- Descriptions of organisms
- Future posts -- must be on time!
1. Finish Energy Applications (Ecosystems and Energy Flow from Ecology Part 2) document.
2. Review
- Ecology Part 1 (Intro to Ecosystems)
- Ecology Part 2 (Energy Flow & Food Webs)
- Ecology Part 3 (Pyramids)Wednesday/Thursday (DRAFT)
IN CLASS:Review: Ask how land area (space) and food are related
Ecology Part 3 questions and examples
com/all-the-biomass-of-earth- in-one-graphic/ Whatever was not done Mon/Tues
- Vegetarian -- https://ed.ted.com/featured/dolIWkHI
--- Intro video
- Lake Mac Drawing and DiscussionPond Challenge
- Finish conclusions and connections
- Discuss overall data and what might be influencing numbers
- Do a couple of scenarios with graphs and series of pyramids (decrease phosphorus, add fountains (dissolved oxygen), increase/decrease algaecide, etc.)
HW:- No mowing
- Yellow 2 hearted lily -- deq came and sprayed (2X)
- 2-3 times per year -- put out with the boat
- Algaecide
- Pond dye
- Copper sulfate
- Middle school outlets into tank and then when full enough into city sewer
- Softball field pond to stream to west and then to black river
6. 4. If time:
--- Intro video -- OR -- Lake Mac Drawing and Discussion
- Finish Pond Challenge if not already finished. Come with questions
- Come with questions for the assessment. Assessment Mon/Tues next week – Unit 1 StandardsFriday
Announcements & Deadlines
- Food Web - done as a group - (overdue - email to Mr. Propst)
- Conclusions & Connections - done individually (email to Mr. Propst by end of the hour)
- Can you draw a series of ecological pyramids and populations graphs based on limiting factors that are effecting your ecosystem? (See Energy & Hamburgers)
Watch/Read & Answer Questions
1. https://www.visualcapitalist.com/all-the-biomass-of-earth- in-one-graphic/
- What is the main idea of this article?
- How was the idea of an ecological pyramid used to represent information about the global ecosystem?
2. Vegetarian -- https://ed.ted.com/featured/dolIWkHI
- Why is it more energy efficient to be a vegetarian?
3. Pond Background and Use Video (John Wood) and What is a watershed --
- What are all of the limiting factors that may be affecting our High School Pond?
- What is the best way to manage our pond? (Use a cause and effect chain and ecological pyramids to defend your answer)
- What is Project Clarity? What are they attempting to do? How do their efforts relate to watersheds, buffer zones and phosphorus?
5. Ecology Part 3
- Assume a massive amount of phosphorus makes its way into the Macatawa watershed, using your knowledge about a) food webs; b) ecological pyramids; c) population growth and graphs --> Draw a series of ecological pyramids that explain how things would change in the Macatawa ecosystem.September 15 - September 21
DON'T BREAK MY HEART INTO 1000 PIECES!!!! --- PLEASE!!!!! (begging)
0. Unit 1 Test postponed until Friday!!!
1. Is our pond healthy? How do we know?
2. Practice Bio Pyramid Scenarios and Population graph scenarios.
3. Limiting Factors and Carrying Capacity
4. Discuss Project Clarity/Spring Lake
-- Complete the Project Clarity vs Alum Treatment Document (See Google Classroom).
5. Pond Challenge Conclusions and Connections Check (2nd to last day)
6. Review Unit 1 Standards
1. Finish Pond Challenge Conclusions & Connections. Check these in with Mr. Propst or you will lose ALL your points (0/3 in the gradebook).
2. Review Unit 1 Standards (Study for Unit 1 Assessment).
3. Asked to be claimed for Wed. flex if you have questions.
Wednesday/ThursdayIN CLASS:
1. Unit 1 Assessment - Ecosystems (postponed until Friday)
2. Finish Project Clarity vs. Spring Lake comparison
3. Final Unit 1 Questions
4. Final Check in for Pond Challenge Conclusions & Connections.
5. Start Mutations and Natl Sel
(By the time you are done w/ assignment and creating power point can you answer the following -->)
-- What are:
---- a. Mutation
---- b. phenotype
---- c. dominant/recessive
---- d. transcription, translation
---- e. relationship to: limiting factors/carrying capacity, population graph
---- f. environmental factors/environment
---- g. Natural selection***DO NOT DO RIGHT NOW***
3. Review/Mutations/Variation -- Slides 1-13 - Lecture
- Population graphs (apply)
- Limiting factors (apply)
- Rabbits (simulation and apply)
- Protein Synthesis (review)
- Genotype/Phenotype (review)
- Environmental factors/environment (influence of)
- Natural selection (model that attempts to explain)
1. Study for Unit 1 Test (Friday, 9/20)
2. Read & Review Immunity and Vaccination Reading/Video Guide (by Mon)FRIDAY
1. Unit 1 Test (SA 1.1 - 1.6)
2. Start on Immunity and Vaccination Reading/Video Guide
A. Finish Immunity and Vaccination Reading/Video Guide (Come with questions for Monday Discussion)September 22 - September 28
DON'T BREAK MY SOUL INTO 1000 PIECES!!!! --- PLEASE!!!!! (begging)
1. Finish Mutations and Natural Selection (email Mr. Propst your group's slide show)
2. Start and attempt to finish Immunity and Vaccination Reading/Video Guide
3. Start Virus Life Cycles
A. Immunity and Vaccination Reading/Video Guide
B. Mutations and Natural Selection (should be done by end of class today).Wednesday/Thursday
1. Finish Mutations and Natural Selection (email Mr. Propst your group's slide show)
2. Finish Immunity and Vaccination Reading/Video Guide (review conclusions & connections in class)
3. Start Virus Life Cycles (assign activity section as homework if not completed in class)
4. Review Virus 5 Characteristics lecture (if time)
5. Virus/Bacteria Comparison (virus side only)
A. IN CLASS Item "1" listed above.
B. IN CLASS Item "2" listed above.
C. Virus Life Cycles activity section
D. IN CLASS Item "4" listed above.
E. IN CLASS Item "5" listed above.
0. Announce: Standards 2.1-2.4 Quiz Wed/Thur next week.
1. Virus Life Cycles (quick review -- any last questions).
- a. Watchfor additional information about how viruses replicate.
2. Any last Immunity and Vaccination Reading/Video Guide questions (?)
3. Virus/Bacteria Comparisons (complete virus side if not completed).
4. Why do you need to keep getting a new/different flu shot every season? (Watch -->)
5. Watchand take notes on how your immune system works.
6. Immunity (if time)
A. IN CLASS Item "3, 4, 5, and 6" above
B. Quiz Review Items/Things to know:
- REVIEW CONCEPTS (from BIO A): Mutation, phenotype, dominant/recessive, transcription, translation; Limiting Factor/carrying capacity, population graph (types)
- NEW CONCEPTS (from BIO B): environmental factors/environment, natural selection.
- What is a mutation and where it specifically occur?
- What causes new traits to appear in a population (variation)?
- Are all traits helpful for survival?
- What is natural selection?
- Are mutations good or bad?
- Can an organism or population choose to adapt?
- If a pregnant mom gets a sunburn can they pass that sunburn on to their inutero baby?
- What the 5 characteristics of viruses?
- What is are the 5 stages of the virus life cycle?
- Describe how the 1st line of defense of your immune system works.
- Describe how the 2nd line of defense of your immune system works.
- Describe the cell-mediated response of your immune system.
- Describe the humoral response of your immune system.
- Describe how "memory" works in your immune system.
- Describe why new flu shots must be created both from the perspective of viruses and the perspective of your immune "memory."September 29 - October 5
0. Devotions
1. Review Immunity
0. Field Study (Log Entry 2 Due today @ 5 p.m.)
1. Reading Guide Last Questions (Any last questions over immunity, vaccines, and the relationship to mutations)
2. Virus/Bacteria Comparison questions.
3. Review Standards 2.1-2.4 and 2.7 -- 2.7 (Quiz is on Wed/Thurs.)
4. Bacteria experiment EDD -- planning
- Review procedure writing.
- Review elements of experiment design – explain the plates and basic idea
-- Question, Controlled Variables, Procedure, Data Table, Groups, Claim Evidence Reasoning
-Standards 2.1-2.4 quiz
-- Other Questions to Know:
- What is a mutation and where it specifically occur?
- What causes new traits to appear in a population?
- Are all traits helpful for survival?
- What is natural selection?
- What the 5 characteristics of viruses?
- What is are the 5 stages of the virus life cycle?
- Describe how the 1st line of defense of your immune system works.
- Describe how the 2nd line of defense of your immune system works.
- Describe the cell-mediated response of your immune system.
- Describe the humoral response of your immune system.
- Describe how "memory" works in your immune system.
- Describe why new flu shots must be created both from the perspective of viruses and the perspective of your immune "memory."- Watch Microbiome
- Watch Antibiotics video clipWednesday/Thursday
Standards 2.1-2.4 Quiz -- (Quiz)
Bacteria experiment EDD Student plan and EDD check
HW: Bacteria Part 1
Bacteria experiment EDD -- bacteria collection
October 6 - October 12
1. Finish Bacteria experiment EDD
-- Activity Section #'s 5-10
-- Conclusions & Connections
2. Rehearse Bacteria Experiment Presentations
3. Outline Bacteria Part 1
4. Outline Bacteria Part 2
5. Quick Quiz ON Bacteria Part 1 and 2 in class (to make sure that you're watching these vids). ;o) -- Gotta Lock In.
1. Anything not finished during class today.
TURN IN LINKS1. COMPLETED Bacteria experiments & conclusions and connections --> Click Here
Wednesday/ThursdayIN CLASS
1. 20 minutes to finish:
- EDD Procedure write up (Moodle)
- Finish Slideshow (Moodle)
- Conclusions & Connections (cannot complete yet until presentations)
2. Lecture Review Bactiera 1 & Bacteria 2 (next week)
3. Start Life scenariosASSIGNMENT/HOMEWORK
- Finish Bacteria vs Viruses
- Field Study 3 Entry DUE Sunday, 10/15
1. Continue Life scenarios
A. Finish Bacteria vs Viruses (Fill out the bacteria side of the table)
B. Field Study 3 Entry DUE Sunday, 10/15October 13 - October 19
1. Positives of Bacteria
1a. Watch Anti-Biotic Resistance Video
1b. Finally. A way to break down plastic using bacteria (!?!) -- Read and comment.
2. Virus/Bacteria Comparisons (Finish)
2b. Antiviral vs. Antibiotics -- What is the difference? How do Antivirals work.
3. Finish Life Scenarios Presentations
a. Questions to answer in your presentation by topic:
-- Vaccine Schedule: Why are there differences in the vaccine schedules (and how is this different than herd immunity).
-- HIV: T cells and relationship to B cells -- clear in a diagram
-- Transplants: antigens, B and T cells, clear in a diagram
-- Prescriptions: WHY -- what is happening to the disease causing organism
-- Microbiome: role of antibiotics, food webs, competition, why this solution, why not just yogurt
-- Antibiotic Resistance: animation, investment/ROI
-- “Herd Effect”: R0 and vaccine threshold % students with vaccination waivers
-- Passive vs. Active Immunity: examples, monoclonal antibodies, why choose one vs the other -- pros/cons
-- Polio: No other specifics to address
3. Finish Bacteria v Virus Comparison Table (Bacteria Side) -- Know for Test.
A. Models Review Video
- Outline
- There will be a quiz on this the next time we have class.
B. Watch Bacteria Part 2
C. Read Genesis 1 - 6
- What are the main ideas?
- What is God revealing?
D. This will be your final Unit 2 Quiz. Quiz Monday/Tuesday next week. You know what it will be so no reassessments will be possible. Be sure to ask your questions BEFORE the quiz. NOTE: ALL THE UNIT 2 STANDARDS MAY BE ON YOUR EXAM.
1. STIs
2. Quick Bacteria Pt. 2 Quiz
3. Finish Life Scenarios Presentations (See hand out provided from class for tips on how to finish).
4. Start Presentations
5. Finish Virus/Bacteria Comparisons (Due Block 1 next week) --> Print and Hand In.
A. Models Review Video
- Outline
B. Watch Bacteria Part 2
C. Read Genesis 1 - 6
- What are the main ideas?
- What is God revealing?
D. This will be your final Unit 2 Quiz. Quiz Monday/Tuesday next week. You know what it will be so no reassessments will be possible. Be sure to ask your questions BEFORE the quiz. NOTE: ALL THE UNIT 2 STANDARDS MAY BE ON YOUR EXAM.Friday
E. Finish Virus/Bacteria Comparisons (Due Block 1 next week) --> Print and Hand In.
1. Life Scenarios Presentations
2. Work on Disease Prevention/Treatment Chart (Due Block 1 next week)
A. Models Review Video
- Outline
B. Watch Bacteria Part 2
C. Read Genesis 1 - 6
- What are the main ideas?
- What is God revealing?
D. This will be your final Unit 2 Quiz. Quiz Monday/Tuesday next week. You know what it will be so no reassessments will be possible. Be sure to ask your questions BEFORE the quiz. NOTE: ALL THE UNIT 2 STANDARDS MAY BE ON YOUR EXAM.Friday
E. Finish Virus/Bacteria Comparisons (Due Block 1 next week) --> Print and Hand In.October 20 - October 26
FIELD NOTES 4 is DUE 10/31 (Thursday) @ 5p.m.
In Class:
1. SA 2.5-2.9 Quiz
2. Finish Life Scenarios Presentations
3. Turn in Bacteria/Virus Comparison (print and turn in)
4. Turn in Immunity and Vaccines Reading/Video Guide
5. Turn in Petri Dish Post Lab Paper
6. Read Genesis Chapters 1-12
7. Watch and take notes on Models Review Video
A. Models Review Video
- Outline
B. Read Genesis 1 - 12
- What are the main ideas?
- What is God revealing?
WED - FRI -- Fall BreakOctober 27 - November 2
Field Notes 4 is DUE 10/31 (Thursday) @ 5p.m.
Unit 1 SA Retakes and Unit 2 (2.1-2.4) Retakes this week only. Please schedule with me.
Unit 2 (2.5-2.9) No Retakes Permitted.
1. See Weekly Reminders above.
2. Finish Life Scenarios
3. Start Unit 3 - Creation Reflection & Analysis (Do Student Prep Items 1, 3, and 4)
-a. What is a World View?
-b. What is a scientific model?
-c. Analysis of Evidence
-- God's Word (the Bible: Genesis Chapters 1-11)
-- Evidence from Observation
--- Classification Power Point Presentation
--- Watch Video - How are living things organized? --> Classification Video
--- Cladograms Assignment (This document was also handed out to you in class)
--- Watch Video --> Cladogram VideoHOMEWORK:
A. Creation Reflection Student Prep Items 1, 3 and 4
B. Read Genesis 1-11
C. Watch
D. Watch
E. What is your world view? How would you answer these questions: (Reflect on)
- Origin: Where did I come from?
- Meaning: What is my purpose?
- Morality: How should I to live?
- Destiny: Where do I go when I die?
In Class:
Today will be a work day. Please use your time wisely.
Step 1 - Open up Creation Reflection Assignment.
Step 2 - Go to the "Student Resources for the Lesson" section of the Creation Reflection Assignment.
Step 3 - Finish Student Resources #1, 3, 4 and 5
Step 4 - Go to the "Activity" section of the Creation Reflection Assignment
Step 5 - Finish Activity #1 and #2 (Read prompts, follow all instructions, write a draft response -- your answers should be at least a paragraph).
Step 6 - Finish Activity #6
Step 7 - The reading portion only for Activity #3
Step 8 - Share your Creation Reflection Assignment with me so I can see your drafts paragraphs for Activity #1, 2 and 6
Step 9 - By Next week Wed/Thr schedule a time with a parent or mentor (teacher permission required) for Creation Reflection Activity #5
Any parts of Steps 1 - 9 not finished in class.
In Class:
Lecture on:
Data and Models (Notes)November 3 - November 9
In Class:
0. Announcements
1. Data and Models (Notes)
2. Creation Reflection Work Time
3. Mr. Russ (2nd Hour, 5th Hour)
A. Creation Reflection
- Activity 1 (should be done)
- Activity 2 (should be done)
- Activity 6 (in progress)
- Reading for Activity 3 (should be done)
- Mr. Russ clarifies Activity 3 Readings -- come with questions
- Write Activity 3
- Schedule Interview for Activity 5 (in progress)
- Data from lecture chosen (?) for Activity 4
- Paper due on Friday
In Class:
1. Ask Mr. Russ to help write Creation Reflection - Paper
2. Creation Reflection – Paper #3 and #4 – AUDIENCE – DEAL WITH THE SCIENCE!
Paper -- show hand in form so they know what to print
See Mr. Propst if you did not already turn in your Creation ReflectionFriday
1. Plants Activity -- EDD and plant set up
2. Intro Roots Seeds (if waiting for EDD check and help with set up)
Be totally ready to plant if you have not already planted!
See me ASAP if you have ANY questions about your EDD set up! Finish Intro Roots Seeds if not finished in class (the whole document). (WE WILL PLAY THIS BY EAR DEPENDING ON HOW FAR THEY GET.)
Ignore below line******1. Intro to Plants
2. Plants Activity -- EDD and plant set up
-- Check your EDD topic before starting!
-- Check your EDD before planting!
3. Intro Roots Seeds (if waiting for EDD check and help with set up)Homework:
Be sure your Creation Reflection is completely finished except for the writing of Activity #4 and Activity #3(reading and annotation for Activity #3 should be finished!).November 10 - November 16
Field Study Notes 5 DUE FRIDAY (11/15)
- Is your sound map done?
- Are your sketches done?
- Do you have your seasonal montage photos ready? (after this Friday you should have 5 of 6 photos ready)
1. Plants Activity -- EDD and plant set up should be finished by end of block!
2. Intro Roots Seeds
Finish all parts of Roots Seeds.
Plants – check and any work nec
Intro Roots Seeds -- Finish
Stems and Leaves
Transport -- up to celery if time
HW: Finish Intro Roots SeedsFriday
Stems and Leaves
Transport -- set up celery/run the in class part (even if not finished with stems and leaves)...need celery running so we can look at results Mon/Tues
HW: Finish Stems and Leaves if not already doneNovember 17 - November 23
All final Field study 6 work due Tuesday, Nov. 26 before 5pm
Reminders:- Be sure you are in one of your 6 pics from the same location
- Be sure you have one additional final post with all 6 pictures from the same spot in order from beginning to end.
- Be sure your have done your sketching.
- Be sure you have done a sound map.
- Field study work is not accepted late.
In Class:
1. Plant Projects: Plants above ground (?) --> Finish Set Up
2. Intro Roots Seeds (Overdue) --> email copy of assignment (x1 per group)
3. Stems and Leaves - Finish --> Check Conclusions & Connections w/ Mr. Propst
4. Transport - MUST start by midpoint of hour
Homework:A. Quick Quiz over Seeds & Roots AND Stems & Leaves on Wednesday (Study your conclusions & connections)
In Class:
1. Quick Quiz (Seeds thru Leaves)
2. Intro Roots Seeds (overdue) --> email copy of assignment (x1 per group)
3. Stems and Leaves (overdue) --> email copy of assignment (x1 per group)
4. Transport (finish) --> Finish --> Check Conclusions & Connections w/ Mr. Propst
5. Reproduction - Fruit and Flowers (Start)Homework:
A. Finish Transport
In Class:
0. Announcement:
- Field Study Final (Seasonal Montage) Post Example
1. Trees & Celery (Putting it all together)
- a. active transport of minerals (roots)
- b. osmosis of water (roots)
- c. xylem
- d. cohesion
- e. adhesion
- f. osmosis (stems & leaves)
- g. evaporation
- h. transpiration
- i. stomata & guard cells
2. Finish Transport
3. Reproduction - Fruit & Flowers -->Homework:
A. Any unfinished work from Items 2 thru 4 from Wednesday's agenda
B. Cumulative Quiz (Seeds thru Transport) on Monday --> Study Conclusions & Connections from Items 2 thru 4 from Wednesday's agenda
C. Reproduction - Complete Flowers & Seed Parts #'s 1, 2 and 3November 24 - November 30
All final Field study 6 work due Tuesday, Nov. 26 before 5pm
Reminders:- Be sure you are in one of your 6 pics (Seasonal Montage) from the same location
- Be sure you have one additional final post with all 6 pictures from the same spot in order from beginning to end.
- Be sure your have done your sketching.
- Be sure you have done a sound map.
- Field study work is not accepted late.
In Class:
0. Announcements
- introduce items 5, 6 and 7)
1. Review of Lab Activities
2. Cumulative Quiz over Seeds/Roots; Stems/Leaves; Transport
3. Finish Reproduction (lab parts); (Any questions not completed are homework for the weekend).
4. Plant Experiment (get plants ready for long weekend)
5. Plant Mini Poster Project (Mini-Project to be worked on over Break)
6. Photosynthesis Part 1
7. Photosynthesis video (take notes)
A. Finish Reproduction
B. Plant Mini Poster Project (start) -- due next week Wednesday
C. Take notes and write down questions about the Photosynthesis Video
W/T/F - Thanksgiving Break!
Grateful for all of you!! Rest well this weekend.
=o))December 1 - December 7
In Class:
0. Announcements & Lecture
- Study for Unit 4 Test (Standards 4.1-4.7)
-- Plant Review Power Point
-- Conclusions & Connections Questions for a) Seeds/Roots; b) Stems/Leaves; c) Transport; d) Reproduction (Fruit & Flowers)
- Field Study Completed
1. Photosynthesis Part 1 (lecture)
2. Plant Mini Poster (work)
3. Plant Project (Experiment/Lab) -- check on plants, experiment on plants, collect data
Homework:- Photosynthesis Part 1 if not already finished.
- Plant Mini Poster
- Study for Unit 4 Test (Standards 4.1-4.7)
In Class:
1. Photosynthesis Part 1 (Do you know the photosynthesis Equation? Reactants? Products?)
2. Plant Mini-Poster Project (Due Block 1 due to Snow Day)
3. Plant Project (Gather Data)
4. Waterweed
-a Complete Student Prep for Lesson
-b Activity Simulation (Light)
-c Activity Simulation (Carbon DioxideHomework:
A. Watch Photosynthesis Part 1 (if you have not already)
B. Finish Plant Mini-Poster Project
C. Waterweed (4a, 4b and 4c from "In Class" Agenda above)
D. Study for SA 4.x Test (reschedule to Block 1 next week)
Friday (becomes a Thursday Schedule due to Snow Day so follow Wed/Thursday Schedule above)
In Class:
- Unit 4 Test (4.1 - 4.7) !!! (POSTPONED to Block 1 Next Week)!!!
- Questions on Waterweed,
- Plant Project
Homework:- Photosynthesis Part 2 if not already finished in class.
- Photosynthesis Quiz Wed/Thurs next week.
December 8 - December 14
In Class:
Goal: SWBAT describe the processes of photosynthesis
0. Announcements
1. Turn in Plant Mini Poster Project
2. SA 4.2-4.7
3. Finish Waterweed questions
4. Photosynthesis Part 2 (write down questions)
5. Turn in/email to me Transport (one per group)
6. Turn in/email to me Reproduction (one per group)
- Watch Photosynthesis Part 2Wednesday/Thursday
In Class:
1. Go over Photosynthesis Part 2 (Slides 19-40) -- Students don’t have slides 29-40
- Plant Project work
- Photosynthesis Part 3
- Standards 4.1, 4.8, 4.9 (Photosynthesis Test will be on your Exam and NOT in class)Homework:
Photosynthesis Part 3, Come with questions
In Class:
- Go over Photosynthesis Part 3 (Slides 41-end)
- Plant Presentation Prep Work
- Start Ecology Footprint (Human Impact - Unit 5)
TBDDecember 15 - December 21
In Class:
GOAL: SWBAT discuss aspect of how different causes effect plant growth.
0. Announcements
1. Reminder: SA 4.1, 4.7 & 4.8 has been moved to the exam.
2. Work Time: Finish Plant Presentations (see hand out for slide expectations that was handed out on Wednesday last week)
3. Reminder: Plant Presentations (Science Fair Style) will start on Wednesday/Thursday (Block 2) this week.
4. Start: If done with Plant Presentation, then start on --> Footprint
A. Submit/Email your Plant EDD to Mr. Propst
B. If you have any questions about your slides, presentation, data, graphs, please email Mr. Propst
C. Look at Footprint assignment and read through it so you know what to expect to do.
D. Your group should make sure your presentation is rehearsed
In Class: SWBAT describe aspects of how different causes effect plant growth
0. Announcements
1. Present: Plant Presentations Science Fair Style
2. Mini Clean Up in Greenhouse
3. Start/Continue FootprintHomework:
A. the Footprint through at least through Activity #5 if you didn't already get there in class.
B. Review the photosynthesis standards once again and be sure you understand how they relate to the plant standards and the presentations (See all the Unit 4 Standards). LAST CHANCE FOR REASSESSING ANY STANDARDS FROM PHOTOSYNTHESIS QUIZ WILL BE THE THURSDAY AFTER BREAK.Friday ***under construction***
Foot Print
GH Clean UP
In Class:
- Greenhouse clean up,
- Footprint (Finish)
- Start Simulations (If done with footprint)
You are loved.
Merry Christmas!!!December 22 - December 28
Christmas Break
December 29 - January 4
For 2024 -- Christmas Break -- Disregard everything below:
Friday (due to snow day) is the final day for any reassessing or for turning in any late work. It will remain Friday even if Thursday is a snow day. Please see me ASAP with any questions.
In Class: Footprint Conclusions, Ecology Conclusions
Assignment:- Finish any part of the Footprint document not already finished and link your URL.
- Exam Review
Wednesday -- SNOW DAY
Thursday -- SNOW DAY
Assignment:- Finish Simulations and Data.
- Exam Review
In Class: Ecology Conclusions Presentation
Assignment: Exam ReviewJanuary 5 - January 11
Twas the week before exams...
Mr. Propst will be available for extra help...Upon request. Please ask in person or email. I am here to help you!
In Class:
- Finish Footprint Assignment
- Simulations and Data (Posted in Google Classroom - Due Thursday)
- Exam Review (Not due, but provided for extra assistance and guidance)
Exam Study Hints -->
- Study all old tests.
- Study over "Evidence for Evolution" (Information a skeptic may present to a believer)Wednesday/Thursday
In Class:
- Simulations and Data (Posted in Google Classroom - Due Today)
- Exam Review (Not due, but provided for extra assistance and guidance)
Exam Study Hints -->
- Study all old tests.
- Study over "Evidence for Evolution" (Information a skeptic may present to a believer)Friday
In Class:
- Exam Review (Not due, but provided for extra assistance and guidance)Exam Study Hints -->
- Study all old tests.
- Study over "Evidence for Evolution" (Information a skeptic may present to a believer)January 12 - January 18
Monday - (Modified Friday Schedule- Flex instead of Chapel)
In Class: Ecology Conclusions Presentation
Assignment: Exam Review
1st and 2nd Hour Exams
3rd and 4th Hour Exams
5th and 6th Hour Exams
7th Hour and Make Up
******IGNORE UNDER LINE*******
MondayIn Class: Biotechnology Assignments
Assignment: Field Study Visit #4 due at 5pm TODAY. If you have not seen me with a list of questions and a pastor time scheduled by Wednesday, that option is no longer available for you.
In Class: Biotechnology Project
Assignment: Your roles should be clearly defined and research split up accordingly. TODAY (Wednesday) IS LAST CHANCE TO CHECK PASTOR QUESTIONS WITH MRS. O'BRIEN IF YOU INTEND TO DO THE EC.
In Class: Biotechnology Project
Assignment: Be sure you have thought through who you plan to interview and have set up a time to do so. You should be ready for the Planning Meeting.
In Class: Biotechnology Project
Assignment: Most research should be finished with some specific exceptions already discussed with your instructor.