Weekly outline
Course Information:
Mr Propst's Contact Information:
bpropst@hollandchristian.orgMr. Propst's General Availability:
Monday: Before school starting at 7:35 a.m. & after school by appointment.
Tuesday: Before school starting at 7:35 a.m. & after school by appointment.
Wednesday: By appointment
Thursday: Before school starting at 7:35 a.m. & after school by appointment.
Friday: Before school starting at 7:35 a.m. & after school by appointment.
WELCOME TO BIOLOGY B!Biology is an exciting field with many issues you will deal with in your lifetime. Genetic engineering and gene therapy, beginning and end of life care, environmental pollution and climate change, medical advances and emerging diseases, population growth/changes… These are just some of the areas that bring us fascinating concepts and serious ethical questions. Last semester you focused on the the human body and tiny details of cells and DNA. We continue to focus on the ideas of awe and stewardship from Psalm 8 and this semester we zoom out a bit more to see how those materials from Biology A control organisms, populations and their environment. I pray you discover a greater awe of the Creator as I continue to do and also learn how to struggle with the questions of biology using the Word as your guide.
Classroom Syllabus and Guidelines
- Class Blog Website
- Field Study Guidelines
- some things you might wonder about...
- poison ivy
- ticks (common types, prevention and further info.)
- invasive species
- Microscope Usage Review
- Digital Footprints
- Biology Study Tips
- Media Center Page
- Gale Research Page ( maroons is the password if you're at home)
- Current Science News -- Science Daily
- Current Science News -- Eurkalert
- Science News for Students
Career Information (jobs, education required, pay, etc.)
- Class Blog Website
August 18 - August 24
Monday -- No Class (Freshmen Only)
Tuesday (modified Friday schedule)
In Class:
1. Seating Chart & Attendance
2. Welcome (Mr. Propst introduces himself)
3. Icebreaker (Quick & Fun)
4. Classroom community and guidelines.
5. Science Department Safety Contract. (For FA25 - Do this on paper. H&AP as well).
6. Awe & Stewardship Photo Assignment.
-- Take 2 pictures and be ready to share in Bio B -- one picture of an awe inspiring event/place/organism, etc. and one picture of something that makes you think a little about stewardship. Put your pictures on a slide in the class presentation labeled with awe or stewardship linked here --> All Hours
7. Introduce yourself activity (Optional)
8. Fun Reminders About This Week & Next Week.
-- We will be outdoors for at least parts of the block days (weather permitting) this week and next week. Dress appropriately.
---- This week: comfortable shoes and clothes you can easily move around and bend in and something you don't mind sitting down in the grass in.
---- Next week: knee high boots or old shoes, waders, clothes that can get wet/muddy, etc. We will be going in the pond.Homework & Reminders:
1. Finish Awe & Stewardship Picture Assignment (Moodle) - DUE FRIDAY
2. Finish Introduce yourself activity (Classroom) - DUE FRIDAY
3. Pond Activity coming up. Dress appropriately (knee high boots or old shoes, waders, comfortable shoes and clothes you can easily move around in - and can get wet, etc.).Wednesday/Thursday (Block)
In Class:
1. Classroom Community and Guidelines (continued).
2. Safety Contract (is this completed? -- See Tuesday section above for link)
3. Awe & Stewardship Photo (Is this completed?)
3. Devotions:
- Genesis 1:31a - Awe.
- Genesis 2:15 - Stewardship.
4. Observations "The Art of Noticing" Activity
5. Go out to Pond for Observations/Sound Map Practice/Sketching.Homework & Reminders:
1. Finish Introduce yourself activity (Classroom) - DUE FRIDAY
2. Finish Awe & Stewardship Summer Photograph Assignment (Moodle) - DUE FRIDAY
3. Read through the Biology A Review.(Moodle) - DUE MONDAY
4. Read through the Field Study. (Moodle) - DUE FRIDAY
5. We will be outdoors for next Monday/Tuesday (weather permitting). Dress appropriately (Bring knee high boots or old shoes, waders, etc. for Monday/Tuesday.)Friday (Regular Friday Schedule)
In Class:
1. Awe and Stewardship Responses
2. Safety Contract (Final Announcement)
3. Biology A Review Read Through (Announce as HW)
4. Field Study Review & Read Through Guidelines
5. Set up Blog account (if time)
6. REMINDER! - Bring knee high boots or old shoes, waders, clothes that can get wet/muddy, etc. for Monday/Tuesday and possibly Wednesday/Thursday. (2024 -- it is suppose to be hot and humid)
Homework & Reminders:
1. Read through the Biology A Review. - DUE MONDAY
2. Read through the Field Study. - DUE MONDAY
3 We will be outdoors for next Monday/Tuesday (weather permitting). Dress appropriately (Bring knee high boots or old shoes, waders, etc. for Monday/Tuesday.)October 27 - November 2
Field Notes 4 is DUE 10/31 (Thursday) @ 5p.m.
Unit 1 SA Retakes and Unit 2 (2.1-2.4) Retakes this week only. Please schedule with me.
Unit 2 (2.5-2.9) No Retakes Permitted.
1. See Weekly Reminders above.
2. Finish Life Scenarios
3. Start Unit 3 - Creation Reflection & Analysis (Do Student Prep Items 1, 3, and 4)
-a. What is a World View?
-b. What is a scientific model?
-c. Analysis of Evidence
-- God's Word (the Bible: Genesis Chapters 1-11)
-- Evidence from Observation
--- Classification Power Point Presentation
--- Watch Video - How are living things organized? --> Classification Video
--- Cladograms Assignment (This document was also handed out to you in class)
--- Watch Video --> Cladogram VideoHOMEWORK:
A. Creation Reflection Student Prep Items 1, 3 and 4
B. Read Genesis 1-11
C. Watch
D. Watch
E. What is your world view? How would you answer these questions: (Reflect on)
- Origin: Where did I come from?
- Meaning: What is my purpose?
- Morality: How should I to live?
- Destiny: Where do I go when I die?
In Class:
Today will be a work day. Please use your time wisely.
Step 1 - Open up Creation Reflection Assignment.
Step 2 - Go to the "Student Resources for the Lesson" section of the Creation Reflection Assignment.
Step 3 - Finish Student Resources #1, 3, 4 and 5
Step 4 - Go to the "Activity" section of the Creation Reflection Assignment
Step 5 - Finish Activity #1 and #2 (Read prompts, follow all instructions, write a draft response -- your answers should be at least a paragraph).
Step 6 - Finish Activity #6
Step 7 - The reading portion only for Activity #3
Step 8 - Share your Creation Reflection Assignment with me so I can see your drafts paragraphs for Activity #1, 2 and 6
Step 9 - By Next week Wed/Thr schedule a time with a parent or mentor (teacher permission required) for Creation Reflection Activity #5
Any parts of Steps 1 - 9 not finished in class.
In Class:
Lecture on:
Data and Models (Notes)November 3 - November 9
In Class:
0. Announcements
1. Data and Models (Notes)
2. Creation Reflection Work Time
3. Mr. Russ (2nd Hour, 5th Hour)
A. Creation Reflection
- Activity 1 (should be done)
- Activity 2 (should be done)
- Activity 6 (in progress)
- Reading for Activity 3 (should be done)
- Mr. Russ clarifies Activity 3 Readings -- come with questions
- Write Activity 3
- Schedule Interview for Activity 5 (in progress)
- Data from lecture chosen (?) for Activity 4
- Paper due on Friday
In Class:
1. Ask Mr. Russ to help write Creation Reflection - Paper
2. Creation Reflection – Paper #3 and #4 – AUDIENCE – DEAL WITH THE SCIENCE!
Paper -- show hand in form so they know what to print
See Mr. Propst if you did not already turn in your Creation ReflectionFriday
1. Plants Activity -- EDD and plant set up
2. Intro Roots Seeds (if waiting for EDD check and help with set up)
Be totally ready to plant if you have not already planted!
See me ASAP if you have ANY questions about your EDD set up! Finish Intro Roots Seeds if not finished in class (the whole document). (WE WILL PLAY THIS BY EAR DEPENDING ON HOW FAR THEY GET.)
Ignore below line******1. Intro to Plants
2. Plants Activity -- EDD and plant set up
-- Check your EDD topic before starting!
-- Check your EDD before planting!
3. Intro Roots Seeds (if waiting for EDD check and help with set up)Homework:
Be sure your Creation Reflection is completely finished except for the writing of Activity #4 and Activity #3(reading and annotation for Activity #3 should be finished!).November 10 - November 16
Field Study Notes 5 DUE FRIDAY (11/15)
- Is your sound map done?
- Are your sketches done?
- Do you have your seasonal montage photos ready? (after this Friday you should have 5 of 6 photos ready)
1. Plants Activity -- EDD and plant set up should be finished by end of block!
2. Intro Roots Seeds
Finish all parts of Roots Seeds.
Plants – check and any work nec
Intro Roots Seeds -- Finish
Stems and Leaves
Transport -- up to celery if time
HW: Finish Intro Roots SeedsFriday
Stems and Leaves
Transport -- set up celery/run the in class part (even if not finished with stems and leaves)...need celery running so we can look at results Mon/Tues
HW: Finish Stems and Leaves if not already doneNovember 17 - November 23
All final Field study 6 work due Tuesday, Nov. 26 before 5pm
Reminders:- Be sure you are in one of your 6 pics from the same location
- Be sure you have one additional final post with all 6 pictures from the same spot in order from beginning to end.
- Be sure your have done your sketching.
- Be sure you have done a sound map.
- Field study work is not accepted late.
In Class:
1. Plant Projects: Plants above ground (?) --> Finish Set Up
2. Intro Roots Seeds (Overdue) --> email copy of assignment (x1 per group)
3. Stems and Leaves - Finish --> Check Conclusions & Connections w/ Mr. Propst
4. Transport - MUST start by midpoint of hour
Homework:A. Quick Quiz over Seeds & Roots AND Stems & Leaves on Wednesday (Study your conclusions & connections)
In Class:
1. Quick Quiz (Seeds thru Leaves)
2. Intro Roots Seeds (overdue) --> email copy of assignment (x1 per group)
3. Stems and Leaves (overdue) --> email copy of assignment (x1 per group)
4. Transport (finish) --> Finish --> Check Conclusions & Connections w/ Mr. Propst
5. Reproduction - Fruit and Flowers (Start)Homework:
A. Finish Transport
In Class:
0. Announcement:
- Field Study Final (Seasonal Montage) Post Example
1. Trees & Celery (Putting it all together)
- a. active transport of minerals (roots)
- b. osmosis of water (roots)
- c. xylem
- d. cohesion
- e. adhesion
- f. osmosis (stems & leaves)
- g. evaporation
- h. transpiration
- i. stomata & guard cells
2. Finish Transport
3. Reproduction - Fruit & Flowers -->Homework:
A. Any unfinished work from Items 2 thru 4 from Wednesday's agenda
B. Cumulative Quiz (Seeds thru Transport) on Monday --> Study Conclusions & Connections from Items 2 thru 4 from Wednesday's agenda
C. Reproduction - Complete Flowers & Seed Parts #'s 1, 2 and 3November 24 - November 30
All final Field study 6 work due Tuesday, Nov. 26 before 5pm
Reminders:- Be sure you are in one of your 6 pics (Seasonal Montage) from the same location
- Be sure you have one additional final post with all 6 pictures from the same spot in order from beginning to end.
- Be sure your have done your sketching.
- Be sure you have done a sound map.
- Field study work is not accepted late.
In Class:
0. Announcements
- introduce items 5, 6 and 7)
1. Review of Lab Activities
2. Cumulative Quiz over Seeds/Roots; Stems/Leaves; Transport
3. Finish Reproduction (lab parts); (Any questions not completed are homework for the weekend).
4. Plant Experiment (get plants ready for long weekend)
5. Plant Mini Poster Project (Mini-Project to be worked on over Break)
6. Photosynthesis Part 1
7. Photosynthesis video (take notes)
A. Finish Reproduction
B. Plant Mini Poster Project (start) -- due next week Wednesday
C. Take notes and write down questions about the Photosynthesis Video
W/T/F - Thanksgiving Break!
Grateful for all of you!! Rest well this weekend.
=o))December 1 - December 7
In Class:
0. Announcements & Lecture
- Study for Unit 4 Test (Standards 4.1-4.7)
-- Plant Review Power Point
-- Conclusions & Connections Questions for a) Seeds/Roots; b) Stems/Leaves; c) Transport; d) Reproduction (Fruit & Flowers)
- Field Study Completed
1. Photosynthesis Part 1 (lecture)
2. Plant Mini Poster (work)
3. Plant Project (Experiment/Lab) -- check on plants, experiment on plants, collect data
Homework:- Photosynthesis Part 1 if not already finished.
- Plant Mini Poster
- Study for Unit 4 Test (Standards 4.1-4.7)
In Class:
1. Photosynthesis Part 1 (Do you know the photosynthesis Equation? Reactants? Products?)
2. Plant Mini-Poster Project (Due Block 1 due to Snow Day)
3. Plant Project (Gather Data)
4. Waterweed
-a Complete Student Prep for Lesson
-b Activity Simulation (Light)
-c Activity Simulation (Carbon DioxideHomework:
A. Watch Photosynthesis Part 1 (if you have not already)
B. Finish Plant Mini-Poster Project
C. Waterweed (4a, 4b and 4c from "In Class" Agenda above)
D. Study for SA 4.x Test (reschedule to Block 1 next week)
Friday (becomes a Thursday Schedule due to Snow Day so follow Wed/Thursday Schedule above)
In Class:
- Unit 4 Test (4.1 - 4.7) !!! (POSTPONED to Block 1 Next Week)!!!
- Questions on Waterweed,
- Plant Project
Homework:- Photosynthesis Part 2 if not already finished in class.
- Photosynthesis Quiz Wed/Thurs next week.
December 8 - December 14
In Class:
Goal: SWBAT describe the processes of photosynthesis
0. Announcements
1. Turn in Plant Mini Poster Project
2. SA 4.2-4.7
3. Finish Waterweed questions
4. Photosynthesis Part 2 (write down questions)
5. Turn in/email to me Transport (one per group)
6. Turn in/email to me Reproduction (one per group)
- Watch Photosynthesis Part 2Wednesday/Thursday
In Class:
1. Go over Photosynthesis Part 2 (Slides 19-40) -- Students don’t have slides 29-40
- Plant Project work
- Photosynthesis Part 3
- Standards 4.1, 4.8, 4.9 (Photosynthesis Test will be on your Exam and NOT in class)Homework:
Photosynthesis Part 3, Come with questions
In Class:
- Go over Photosynthesis Part 3 (Slides 41-end)
- Plant Presentation Prep Work
- Start Ecology Footprint (Human Impact - Unit 5)
TBD- This week
December 15 - December 21
In Class:
GOAL: SWBAT discuss aspect of how different causes effect plant growth.
0. Announcements
1. Reminder: SA 4.1, 4.7 & 4.8 has been moved to the exam.
2. Work Time: Finish Plant Presentations (see hand out for slide expectations that was handed out on Wednesday last week)
3. Reminder: Plant Presentations (Science Fair Style) will start on Wednesday/Thursday (Block 2) this week.
4. Start: If done with Plant Presentation, then start on --> Footprint
A. Submit/Email your Plant EDD to Mr. Propst
B. If you have any questions about your slides, presentation, data, graphs, please email Mr. Propst
C. Look at Footprint assignment and read through it so you know what to expect to do.
D. Your group should make sure your presentation is rehearsed
In Class: SWBAT describe aspects of how different causes effect plant growth
0. Announcements
1. Present: Plant Presentations Science Fair Style
2. Mini Clean Up in Greenhouse
3. Start/Continue FootprintHomework:
A. the Footprint through at least through Activity #5 if you didn't already get there in class.
B. Review the photosynthesis standards once again and be sure you understand how they relate to the plant standards and the presentations (See all the Unit 4 Standards). LAST CHANCE FOR REASSESSING ANY STANDARDS FROM PHOTOSYNTHESIS QUIZ WILL BE THE THURSDAY AFTER BREAK.Friday ***under construction***
Foot Print
GH Clean UP
In Class:
- Greenhouse clean up,
- Footprint (Finish)
- Start Simulations (If done with footprint)
You are loved.
Merry Christmas!!! December 29 - January 4
ThursdayFriday (due to snow day) is the final day for any reassessing or for turning in any late work. It will remain Friday even if Thursday is a snow day. Please see me ASAP with any questions.EXAM NOTE: ALL RESOURCES WILL BE OPEN THIS WEEK WEDNESDAY THROUGH NEXT MONDAY AT 5PM. PLEASE MAKE ANY COPIES YOU NEED BY THAT TIME. THE WEEKS WILL NOT REOPEN AFTER THAT TIME.
In Class: Footprint Conclusions, Ecology Conclusions
Assignment:- Finish any part of the Footprint document not already finished and link your URL.
- Exam Review
Wednesday -- SNOW DAY
Thursday -- SNOW DAY
Assignment:- Finish Simulations and Data.
- Exam Review
In Class: Ecology Conclusions Presentation
Assignment: Exam Review