Topic outline
8th Grade Art
Homework Assignments
Assignment 1: Your hand - trace onto fav. color construction paper. Draw your name in block or bubble letters. Fill your hand with detailed, interesting patterns - at least 10, 5 MUST BE ZENTANGLES. Only use PEN/INK (black or blue, doesn't matter.) Somewhere in those patterns, reference the meaning of your name (in picture form). Be creative! 30 Min. minimum.
- Sketch Assignments
1) Draw your favorite book or movie character. No cartoons though! You can do a CG character, as those are still "realistic".
2) Lines: 1/2 page Constructive lines, 1/2 page Expressive lines. See HandOut on Moodle or the back wall. There is also an example for you to see linked on Moodle. Split page in half and follow the directions.
3) Draw a family member (human). You may work from a picture. Draw for realism (not a cartoon).
4) Find a piece of art located outside your home/school that you have seen: sketch it, include name, artist, location. This doesn't mean the internet - it is intended to have you notice art around you in your community - at church, on the ride to school, at a coffee house, on the sidewalk...
Also write short paragraph on why you chose it, do you like it or not and why.5) Draw 3 different pop cans, life size, with Shading. One must be dented somehow.
Try to show the logos, and the shading should make it look metallic, as well as the dents. DO NOT just look up a can online - do this from real life.6) Draw an object 4 times, each time gradually changing it ("morphing") until by the final drawing, it is a new thing. For example: an alarm clock slowly turning into an owl. (see pic link)
7)Take a large magazine picture of a person's face and cut out one of their facial features (eye, nose, mouth, ear - but include a small amount of the face around that feature too), attach into sketchbook. Draw in pencil the removed/ cut out space, trying to match as close as possible the part you cut out (complete the picture). You can get a picture from me or the internet if you don't have access to a magazine.
8) Do a mashup of two artists: one artist's style to create another artist's picture. Use color (and write artists' names!). For example, you draw "The Wave"(by Hokusai) in the style of Warhol, or "Starry Night"(VanGogh) in the style of Picasso..etc.
Historical Fiction Project
Digital Art Unit
Portrait Help
Artist Statement Help