Fibers meets Nature
Your task is to create an inventive, ambitious, and visually appealing sculpture that references natural forms while incorporating fibers materials and processes.
material possibilities: found stick(s), scraps of fabric, thread, yarn, rope, wire, screen, stitching, glue, gloss medium, paper, tissue paper, stuffing
techniques: wrapping, tying, coating/covering, weaving, stitching, stuffing, patching, layering, cutting, stretching
1. includes fibers materials and techniques (see above)
2. is visually inspired by a form found in nature
3. includes at least one repeated shape or form
4. has carefully selected materials and color scheme
5. at least 8 sketches of sculptural plan before beginning work
6. artist has considered presentation: sculpture either stands up, hangs on a wall, or hangs from the ceiling.
evaluation based on:
1. inclusion of requirements
2. effort/ambitiousness
3. craftsmanship/presentation
4. inventiveness...ability to stretch and imaginatively explore
5. overall visual strength of the final piece