11. This Week in Class (October 28-Nov 1)

Monday: work on Gee's Bend or embroidery!

Tuesday block: Whole class Question #1: What is something that unites stitching, weaving, knitting, quilting?


--A. In small groups, brainstorm giant list of forms in nature...particularly images that include repetition or pattern, brainstorm list of at least 30 creation inspirations

--B. Illustrate at least 10 items on list (draw or collect and print out visual imagery of these forms in nature)

--C. Visually relate these 10 forms to any fiber process that we've used, you've seen, or that you could imagine using to build a form that suggests or is inspired by this natural form...(note how this is different than our soft sculptures which were more of a 'one to one' relationship in terms of forms and inspirations)

#3: Whole class...Look at contemporary fibers artwork (what could these forms suggest from nature?)

#4: Briefly introduce new fibers project! 

#5: Sketching time! 

Thursday: continue planning work and begin gathering supplies...also time to finish up Gee's Bend work 

Friday: studio time

Last modified: Monday, 28 October 2019, 8:57 AM