1. A look at the week/studio time (August 19-23
A look at the weeks/studio time...
Monday: Freshman only! WELCOME!!!
Tuesday: Introductions, ....line question/conversations....if time...brainstorm giant list of 'ordinary' objects...'stuff you'll need', etc. (stuffing, fabric, a shoebox or bag to keep supplies in). Continue large brainstorm--share-- Make lists of objects that could have symbolic significance (Memory/Nostalgia, Consumerism/Greed, Silliness/Humor, Exploration/Imagination). IF time, Look at work by Claus Oldenburg as a class; discuss how this artist is changing our experience with these 'ordinary' objects. Look at student examples.
Wednesday: Briefly introduce first project! Back to lists...cross out "things that are alive" or "things that are normally soft". Continue sketching/brainstorming.
Thursday/Friday: share ideas! continue sketching/brainstorming/paper pattern making, set up for pin-cushions.