Weekly outline
Sophomore American Literature, Mr Hiskes 2019-2020
Welcome to American Literature!
Distance-Learning Unit, March 16-April 5
13 January - 19 January
- Welcome back.
- Seating Chart.
- Classroom Climate
- Respect
- Presence
- Rigor
- Whimsy
- Community
- Kardashian Kave request.
- Riddle exercise with a partner.
- Group work on "Emily Dickinson Riddles"
- ASSIGNMENT: using Google, find an Emily Dickinson poem you appreciate. Save it and be ready to share it tomorrow--along with your best understanding of what it's about.
- Devotions: James 3:3-12, as well as Emily D's poem, "A Word is Dead"
- Discuss Emily's riddles.
- Introduction to Emily Dickinson
- John Green's introduction to Emily Dickinson
- 3 Poems that Alter our view of Success (in small groups)
- ASSIGNMENT: Complete first 4 poems on Discussion guide for Thursday.
Thursday- More Dickinson poems to unlock
- Go to library for outside reading novel.
- ASSIGNMENT: Finish all Dickinson poems for tomorrow.
- Quiz on Emily Dickinson's poetry
- Welcome back.
January 20-27
No school for MLK day.
- Wrap-up Emily Dickinson with 3 poems on Faith and Doubt
- Introduce MLK and "Letter from Birmingham Jail," with Reading Guide.
- ASSIGNMENT: Finish reading and guide for tomorrow.
- Discuss MLK letter and various concepts. Collect.
- Begin with Walden Video.
- "Imagining Your Own Walden."
- ASSIGNMENT: Finish "Imagining Your Own Walden" for class tomorrow.
- ASSIGNMENT: Read Walden excerpts for Tuesday/Wednesday with Reading Guide. Also, get into the novel you're reading outside of class. The due date will be in about three weeks from today, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21.
27 January - 2 February
- Finish Walden Reading and guide for Tuesday/Wednesday
- ASSIGNMENT: Complete "Walden" and reading guide for tomorrow.
- Discuss key points of "Walden."
- Walking with Thoreau.
- ASSIGNMENT: Quiz on Walden and Dickinson on Friday.
- Wrap up unit with discussion of Romantics and Rationalists.
- Talk about quiz.
- ASSIGNMENT: Review for quiz.
- Quiz
- Begin Dead Poets Society.
- Finish Walden Reading and guide for Tuesday/Wednesday
3 February - 9 February
MONDAY:- Hand out viewing guide to "Dead Poets," and discuss.
- View movie.
- ASSIGNMENT: Keep reading novel outside of class.
- 2 Whitman poems
- Discuss reading guide.
- View Dead Poets.
- ASSIGNMENT: Read novel.
THURSDAY:- Finish watching film.
- ASSIGNMENT: Finish viewing guide for tomorrow.
- Discuss movie using viewing guide.
- Talk about Manifesto essay.
- Hand out viewing guide to "Dead Poets," and discuss.
10 February - 16 February
- Hand back quizzes
- Finish Dead Poet's Discussion
- Reminder about renewing outside reading books and due date next Tuesday.
- ASSIGNMENT: Keep reading your novel.
- "Manifesto," by Wendell Berry
- Introduce "Sophomore YAWP" essay
- ASSIGNMENT: Rough draft for end of class on Thursday.
THURSDAY:- Continue working on YAWP essay.
- ASSIGNMENT: Finish your outside reading over the long weekend. We will have a short activity in class about it, which will count for credit. So, just be prepared by having it all read.
- No school today or Monday for Winter Break
17 February - 23 February
- Final Draft suggestions for YAWP Essay
- Introduction to The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
- Begin reading together and annotating in class.
- ASSIGNMENT: Final Draft of YAWP essay due Friday. Outside novel due MONDAY.
- Read and annotate Huck Finn together in class.
- ASSIGNMENT: Final Draft of YAWP essay due Tomorrow (title read). Outside novel due MONDAY.
- ASSIGNMENT: Outside Novel Due MONDAY.
- Final Draft suggestions for YAWP Essay
24 February - 1 March
- Hand out Sign Post sheets for Huck Finn: For each chapter you read, find one good signpost and write a detailed response, using the questions provided on the sheet.
- Discuss Huck as First-Person narrator, using signposts
- Read Chapter 3 together
- ASSIGNMENT: Read Chapters 3-5 for tomorrow. Find a signpost for each chapter. You will have 4 then.
- Devotions
- Song
- Google Classroom Login to write novel response.
- Mark Twain's "The Golden Arm" (he was a humorist)
- Discussion of signposts in 3-5
- Reading of 6-7 and class signposts.
- ASSIGNMENT: Read through Chapter 8 and signposts for Thursday.
- Discuss chapters and signposts.
- ASSIGNMENT: Read through Chapter 9-10 for tomorrow, with signposts.
- Hand Papers back
- Discuss chapters and signposts.
- ASSIGNMENT: Read through Chapter 13 for Monday, signposts for each chapter.
2 March - 8 March
- In small groups, share signposts from Chapters 9-13
- I will share several signposts as well.
- ASSIGNMENT: Quiz tomorrow on Chapters 1-13. Know characters, events, discussion points from our class discussions and signposts.
- Devotions
- Song
- Quiz on Huck, Chapters 1-13.
- Read aloud together chapters 14-15 for tomorrow.
- ASSIGNMENT: Read and annotate Chapters 14-15 for tomorrow.
- Discussion of Chapters 14-15
- Read aloud together Chapters 16-18 for Monday.
- ASSIGNMENT: Read and annotate chapters 16-18 Monday.
- Reading day
- ASSIGNMENT: Read through Chapter 18 for Monday, with signposts.
9 March - 15 March
- Discuss Chapters 17-18
- ASSIGNMENT: Read Chapters 19-20, finding one signpost for each chapter.
- Devotions: Lizzy Bruxvoort, "The Grind after Grace"
- Movie trailer: Harriet
- What Would You Do? Racism in America
- Discussion
- Discussion of Chapters 19-20
- ASSIGNMENT: Read Chapters 21-22 for tomorrow. One signpost per chapter.
- Discussion of Chapters 21-22
- ASSIGNMENT: Read Chapter 23 for tomorrow. Quiz on 14-23.
- Quiz on Chapters 14-23
- Begin viewing Harriet.
- ASSIGNMENT: Read Chaptes 24-30 for next week Friday, with a signpost for each chapter.
- Discuss Chapters 17-18
4 May - 10 May
- Decide which day each group will present.
- 15 minutes to huddle with your group and make sure you are--or will be--ready.
- Introductions to Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck
- Read aloud time
- ASSIGNMENT: Bring your book each day this week. We will hear movie reviews and we will read this great novella silently.
- Two film presentations
- Reading time
- Two film presentations
- Reading time
- Two film presentations
- Reading time.
- ASSIGNMENT: Finish reading Of Mice and Men for Monday.
25 May - 31 May
1 June - 7 June
8 June - 14 June
15 June - 21 June
22 June - 28 June
29 June - 5 July
6 July - 12 July