Weekly outline
"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you received from God? You are not your own; you were bought with a price. Therefore honor God with your body."
1 Corinthians 6:19-20
“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”
Psalm 139: 13-14
Hi my name is Mr. Kool. I am excited to be with you this Semester for Pilates. This is going to be a great course which will be a ton of fun. God calls us to treat our body as a Temple so in Pilates, you will learn multiple ways to treat your body as a Temple for God. I look forward to working together this Semester in all that we do and having fun while doing so.
Contact me - dkool@hollandchristian.org
Hours I Teach - 1st, 4th, 6th, and 8th
If you cannot find me, I will either be in my PE Office or in the Main Office most of the time. Feel free to email me with anything at anytime.
Pilates Course
You will learn:
How does a high level of fitness improve quality of life?
How does aerobic and endurance training create the ability to participate in life long activities?
How can Pilates lead to lifetime fitness?
Course Outline:
- Improve muscular strength, endurance, flexibility, balance, and overall joint mobility.
- Demonstrate an intermediate working knowledge of Pilates positions and theory as well as discuss the benefits associated with Pilates.
- Summarize, critique, and formulate lifestyle behaviors and nutritional choices that will contribute to a healthy lifetime fitness and wellness program
- The students will be able to improve the quality of their minds and, therefore, their lives through positive thinking and concentration
Links to good videos
Great Videos:
*any efit30 videos on youtube are probably good ones!
Great explanation of imprinting your spine: http://www.fitnessblender.com/v/exercise-detail/Pilates-Imprint/56/
Ab workout you can do on your own!
Warm-up Video! Do on your own!
GREAT 30 minute Pilates Ab video! Do it on your own!
I liked this one because it’s really similar to what we’ve done in class, so you will know most of the exercises. I also like that they added the “squats” at the end, you could really feel those!
It started all on the ground, and you stayed on the ground for the majority of the workout. I felt like this one was more relaxing and centered.
This one is the most difficult. From the beginning there are different exercises what we have done in class. It works muscles that you aren't used to working, and that made it a much harder workout to do.
This one is also very challenging. The hardest exercise for me was when you put your arms to the side into 90º angles and bring your torso up with your hands, while keeping your core in, while staying relatively straight (not unevenly curved up).
for Pilates ab video. Do it on your own!January 16 - January 19
January 16 - Introduction, Syllabus, Class Activity (need clothes after this day every day)
January 17 - No Class Block Day
January 18 - Review Pilates, Beginners Pilates Workout
January 19 - Pilates Video Workout
January 22 - January 26
January 22 - Stretch, Full Body Workout, Cooldown
January 23 - Block Day - Stretch, Full Body Workout, Cooldown, Class Activty
January 24 - No Class
January 25 - Stretch, Abs, Cooldown
January 26 - Fun Friday = Class Activity
January 29 - February 2
Tuesday, January 30 - Block DayPilates Full Body Workout Followed by Spike Ball or Kick Ball
Wednesday, January 31 - No Class
Thursday, February 1 - Normal Class Day - Pilates Workout
Friday, February 2 - Normal Class Day - Renee's Pilates Video
February 5 - February 9
Monday - Renee's Pilate's Video (see last week Friday)
Tuesday - Block Day - Full Body Pilates Workout followed by class Activity
Wednesday - No Class
Thursday - Full Body Pilates Workout
Friday - Stretch followed by Class Activity
February 12 - February 16
Monday - Full Body Workout
Tuesday - Block Day - Arms, Legs, Abs Workout followed by Capture the Flag
Wednesday - No Class
Thursday - Full Body Workout
Friday - Pilates Ab Workout
February 19 - February 23
Monday - No School
Tuesday - Block Day - Abs Workout followed by Volleyball
Wednesday - No Class
Thursday - Full Body Workout
Friday - Abs Workout Video followed by Class Activity or Stretch
February 26 - March 2
Monday - Full Body Workout
Tuesday - Block Day - Pilates Workout Video followed by Exam Practice
Wednesday - No Class
Thursday - Hips, Legs, Side Obliques Workout
Friday - 10 Minute Abs followed by Class Activity
March 5 - March 9
Monday - Full Body Pilates Workout
Tuesday - Block Day - Pilates Video followed by Mat Ball
Wednesday - No Class
Thursday - Side Obliques and Hips Workout
Friday - Ab Workout followed by Class Game
March 12 - March 16
Monday - Full Body Pilates Workout
Tuesday - Block Day - Hips/Legs Workout followed by Exam Prep
Wednesday - No Class
Thursday - Full body Pilates workout
Friday - Game Day
October 23-27
Monday, October 23 - Full Body Workout
Tuesday, October 24 - Block Day - Abs/Shoulders Work Out Followed by Exam Prep. Rough draft is due Friday, November 3rd at Class
Wednesday, October 25 - No Class
Thursday, October 26 - Full Body Workout
Friday, October 27 - Class Activity
October 30-November 3
Monday, October 30 - Whole Body Pilates Workout
Tuesday, October 31 - Block Day - Pilates Video and Class Activity
Wednesday, November 1 - No Class
Thursday, November 2 - Rough Draft Due - Whole Body Pilates Workout
Friday, November 3 - Mr. Kool is gone, Class Activity
November 6- November 10
Monday, November 6 - Swing Dancing Part 2
Tuesday, November 7 - Pilates Whole Body Workout followed by Nuke Em
Wednesday, November 8 - No Class
Thursday, November 9 - Arms, Shoulders, Hips Workout
Friday, November 10 - Indoor Soccer
November 13 - November 17
Monday, November 13 - Whole Body Workout
Tuesday, November 14 - Assign Groups by drawing out of hat for exam days, Pilates Video, Exam Prep Time
Wednesday, November 15 - No Class
Thursday, November 16 - Arms, Shoulders, Hips, Legs Workout
Friday, November 17 - Abs 10 Minute Video followed by Class Activity
November 20 - November 21
Monday, November 20 - Exam Practice/Finishing Touches
Tuesday, November 21 - Exam Practice/Finishing Touches
Thanksgiving Break
November 27 - December 1
All Week - Student Exam Presentations
December 4 - December 8
All Week - Student Exam Presentations
December 11 - December 18
All Week - Student Exam Presentations