Topic outline
Lifetime Fitness
“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”
~ Psalm 139: 13-14
“Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you received from God? You are not your own; you were bought with a price. Therefore honor God with your body.”
~ I Corinthians 6:19-20
~ Psalm 139: 13-14
About Me: Hi, my name is Mr. Kool and I am excited to be with you all Semester teaching Lifetime Fitness. This class excites me because becoming physically fit is not just a "high school thing" or a "college thing." Being physically fit, is truly a lifestyle and a choice we have to make as young adults. This class will teach you a variety of activities that you can partake in for the rest of your life to help you live a healthy and active lifestyle. God calls us to do this in Corinthians by treating our body as a temple. Lets honor God and have fun with this class together!
Contact me -
September 5-15 - Biking Unit 2
*click on the links for bike routes
Tuesday, September 5 - No Class
Wednesday, September 6 - Block Day - Go over safety and rules, Bike the HC Block using turn signals etc., Class activity if time allows
Thursday, September 7 - Bike Day - Route below
Friday, September 8 - Bike Day - Bike to Captain Sundae, students need to bring money if they wish
Monday, September 11 - Bike Day - Route Below
South Shore Drive Route 4.97 miles
Tuesday, September 12 - No Class Block DayWednesday, September 13 - Block Day - Longer bike route and class activity if time - route belowThursday, September 14 - Review Quiz- Bike Day - Route belowFriday, September 15 - Take Quiz followed by Class Activity/Bike RouteHiking - October 2 - October 13 - Unit 4
TRAIL WALKING/HIKING UNIT (We will be outside for everyday of this unit, backpacks and closed toed shoes are required for participation points. Feel free to bring water and snacks in your backpacks).
Schedule may change:
Monday, October 2nd - Trail Walking/Hiking Intro: go over handoutWednesday, October 4th (Block Day) - VanRaalte Farm - 1076 E 16th Street, Holland, MI - 10 minute driveThursday, October 5th - Wolters Woods Park - 6281 147th Ave, Holland, MI - 4 minute drive
Friday, October 6th - Sanctuary Woods - 4750 66th Street, Holland, MI - 6 minute drive
Monday, October 9th - DeGraaf Nature Center - 600 Graafschap Rd. Holland, MI - 3 minute drive
Wednesday, October 11th (Block Day) - Saugatuck Dunes - 6575 138th Ave, Holland, MI - 13 minute drive
Thursday, October 12th - Outdoor Discovery Center - 4214 56th Street, Holland, MI - 9 minute drive
Friday, October 13th - HC Nature Trail Loop
August 21 - September 1 - Unit 1 Ultimate Frisbee
Ultimate Frisbee - Unit 1
August 22 - Introductions, Syllabus, Rules and Procedures, Class Activity (Bring clothes rest of week)
August 23 - Rules of Ultimate - Handout, Practice Throws with Partners
August 24 - Review Rules and Throws, Controlled Game - 4 v 4 in Smaller Court
August 25 - Full class game of 7 v 7 Ultimate on Football Field
August 28 - Full class game of 7 v 7 Ultimate on Football Field
August 29 - No Class
August 30 - Block Day - Full class game of 7 v 7 Ultimate on Football Field followed by Class Activity
August 31 - Full class game of 7 v 7 Ultimate on Football Field - Reminder Quiz Tomorrow
September 1 - Quiz on Ultimate, Class Activity
Tennis - September 18-29 - Unit 3
Monday, September 18 - Tennis Handout, Introduce forehand and backhand, practice those skills
Tuesday, September 19 - No Class Block Day
Wednesday, September, 20 - Review Tennis Rules, Practice forehand and backhand, Introduce serve - underhand and overhead, Small court tennis game with partners
Thursday, September 21 - Review Serving and practice serves, review doubles rules, play a doubles game as time allows
Friday, September 22 - Doubles Game
Monday September 25 - Review singles rules, Singles Games
Tuesday, September 26 - No Class Block Day
Wednesday, September 27 - Singles Games
Thursday, September 28 - Singles or Doubles - they pick their own partner or who to play against, Review Quiz
Friday, September, 29 - Take Quiz, Singles or Doubles or Class Activity
Floor Hockey - October 16-25 - Unit 5
Monday, October 16 - Floor Hockey Handout with partner passing if time allows
Tuesday, October 17 - No Class
Wednesday, October 18 - Block Day - Floor Hockey Games
Thursday, October 19 - No School
Friday, October 20 - No School
Monday, October 23 - Floor Hockey Games
Tuesday, October 24 - No Class
Wednesday, October 25 - Block Day - Floor Hockey Games followed by class activity
Thursday, October 26 - Floor Hockey Games
Friday, October 27 - Floor Hockey Quiz followed by Floor Hockey Games
Unit 6 - Team Handball - October 30-November 10
Monday, October 30 - Introduce Team Handball Rules and Watch Videos
Tuesday, October 31 - No Class - Block Day
Wednesday, November 1 - Block Day - Handball Game along with Class Activity
Thursday, November 2 - Swing Dancing and review Quiz
Friday, November 3 - Handball Game - Mr. Kool is Gone
Monday, November 6 - Swing Dancing Round 2
Tuesday, November 7 - No Class
Wednesday, November 8 - Handball Game, Review For Handball Quiz, Class Activity
Thursday, November 9 - Handball Quiz, Handball Game
Friday, November 10 - Four Corners
Unit 7 - Badminton - November 13 - November 24
Monday, November 13 - Introduce Badminton, Badminton Doubles - Pick Own Partner
Tuesday, November 14 - No Class Block Day
Wednesday, November 15 - Block Day - Badminton Doubles with assigned partners followed by Nuke Em/Volleyball
Thursday, November 16 - Badminton Mixed Doubles Assigned partners
Friday, November 17 - Badminton Doubles
Monday, November 20 - Badminton Doubles and Review for Quiz
Tuesday, November 21 - Take Quiz followed by Badminton Doubles
Wednesday, November 22 - No School Thanksgiving Break
Thursday, November 23 - No School Thanksgiving Break
Friday, November 24 - No School Thanksgiving Break
November 27 - December 1
Monday, November 27 - Intro Exam, Hand back Badminton Quiz, Badminton
Tuesday, November 28 - No Class
Wednesday, November 29 - Badminton or 4 Corners
Thursday, November 30 - Boccer or 4 Corners
Friday, December 1 - Floor Hockey, Exam Prep Reminder
December 4 - December 18
Exam Workdays
Unit 1 Second Semester - Spike Ball - January 16 - January 26
Tuesday - First day of class, Review Syllabus
Wednesday - No Class
Thursday - Block Day, First day of Spike Ball, Pick a friend to team up with and play
Friday - Spike Ball Tournament Begins
Monday - Spike Ball Tournament Resumes
Tuesday - Block Day - Spike Ball Tournament Resumes, Possibly a Game as well
Wednesday - No Class
Thursday - Review for Quiz, last day of Spike Ball
Friday - Quiz on Spike Ball, Game Day