Directions for Jan 10

Hi frustrating not to be with you as normal today... but I do hope you enjoyed your snow days!  :)

For today:

  1. Open your Ecology Conclusions Presentation and watch the video with a bit of final information.  
  2. Look over the final discussion information we would have talked about last week.  
  3. Please recognize I wish we had some more time to discuss #1 and #2 above!
  4. Exam Review.  I will be on the class zoom (see the link at the top of this Moodle page) during this hour so you can ask all of your questions.  I will not be able to be available before school tomorrow so please try to ask as many of your questions as possible during this hour!  Thanks!
  5. If you had already scheduled for reassessing, get on the zoom and I will meet with you in a breakout room.  If you do not check in with me on the zoom, there will be no reassessment.

Last modified: Sunday, January 9, 2022, 6:45 PM