Weekly outline
Mrs. O'Brien's availability this week (check 229, science office or teacher's lounge)
Monday: 2:45-3:15pm
Tuesday: 2:45-3:15pm
Wednesday: by request
Thursday: 2:45-3:15pm
Friday: 7:30-7:55amWelcome to Biology B for the Science Major!
Biology is an exciting field with many issues you will deal with in your lifetime. Genetic engineering and gene therapy, beginning and end of life care, environmental pollution and climate change, medical advances and emerging diseases, population growth/changes… These are just some of the areas that bring us fascinating concepts and serious ethical questions. Last semester you focused on the the human body and tiny details of cells and DNA. We continue to focus on the ideas of awe and stewardship from Psalm 8 and this semester we zoom out a bit more to see how those materials from Biology A control organisms, populations and their environment. I pray you discover a greater awe of the Creator as I continue to do and also learn how to struggle with the questions of biology using the Word as your guide.
- Field Study
- Class Blog Website
- Original Research Requirements
- The Art of Noticing (sketching, comparison, etc.)
- Information on common questions:
- Microscope Usage Review
- Classroom Community Information
- Standards Based Grading
- Digital Footprints
- Biology Study Tips
- Gale Research Page ( maroons is the password if you're at home)
- Current Science News -- Science Daily
- Current Science News -- Eurkalert
- Science News for Students
Career Information (jobs, education required, pay, etc.)
Biology Careers
Biology Job IdeasSTANDARDS
- Field Study