Topic outline
7th Grade Art
Topic 2
Sketchbook Assignment InfoSee attached pic. Use a ruler to draw 2 sets of boxes (between 8-10 boxes each). Use pencil for one row to go from as dark as you can to as light as you can. For the other row, use a colored pencil (not yellow or light pink - they are too hard) to do the same.
You will need to do two scales : one pencil, one colored pencil. 10 boxes, each about an inch wide/long.This assignment (choose one of the 3 options) is about shading - going from very dark to very light gradually and smoothly! For this one - just draw some wavy lines across your page, then shade.
Use a ruler to draw straight lines, then shade each "tube" to look 3D.
Trace something round (cup, bowl, etc.) then shade dark to light.
Topic 3
AssignmentsTopic 4
Helpful LinksThis is a short (around 6 min) video that really does a good job of showing you four potential pen/ink techniques to use on your Pen Project. I would suggest practicing them in your sketchbook (and look at my reference sheet).
Scroll down to the "Pen and Ink Techniques" video on the page (it's the second video, not the one with the eagle).